The Depths
"Deep in the dungeon, the Farmer weeps with sorrow. Has the Lord lied? But the God of gods sees his despair. He visits the Farmer in the deepest of depths and sets him free. The power of heaven flows through him now; he wars from a place of rest. How can the Hand of God be stopped? The Lord wins again..."
This was actually the first song written on the album, before the idea for the album existed. Thus, much of the soundscape for the rest of the album was inspired by this song. I like that, because this song features the theme for God, so it makes sense that everything should flow from that theme.
This song has two interpretations. The first is explained in the quote above; the Lord comes and visits the Farmer in the dungeon, consoles him, and sets him free. The second interpretation is far more abstract. The entire song can be seen as a representation of how God is viewed in this world. Since the people of Eremus live in the desert, they are specifically attracted to associating God with water. They do not worship the water or the rain, but they metaphorically view God as a well that does not run dry. Hence the name "The Depths", which could stand for the depths of the dungeon, but it could also stand for this idea of God as an infinitely deep well. Because of this, the whole song is centered around this idea of water. All of the chords and instruments flow very naturally into each other. This symbolizes the softer side of God. When the song gets intense, it is like water rushing over a waterfall. This symbolizes the power of God. So, while the outer and more obvious meaning of the song deals with driving the story forward, within the song is a deeper meaning that I think is really powerful and adds a dimension to it that would not be there otherwise.
In terms of instruments here, they are all geared to sound otherworldly as God is otherworldly. Many of them sound nearly acoustic (a lot of the atmospheres come from electric guitar sounds). My voice is also featured on this song, run through several effects and filters to get an otherworldly effect, but without losing the human-like qualities. This sound is meant to represent the presence of God in a far more tangible and concentrated way than he has appeared in the album previously.